Saturday, March 20, 2010

LiL' Funny Girl

Tuesday morning upon waking up Lil' Funny Girl.
Yawn, stretch, yawn. I had a bad dream. I dreamed that I was going poo-poo and there were big scary red lobsters on the floor, and there was, in a little girl scary whisper voice, bloooood, and the lobsters were interruppn my peace and quiet. I couldn't poo-poo. Mommy stepped on the red lobsters and crushed them, and there was, in little girl scary whisper voice, bloooood. Mommy used the broom to sweep the lobsters up, and threw them in the garbage. The garbageman took the lobsters to garbageland, and the lobsters were, pause for 5 seconds,...DEAD!

"Then what happened?"

"Nothing, the lobsters were, DEAD!"

Lil' Funny Girl~~4 1/2

1 comment:

  1. OMG...I love this post!

    "and the lobsters were interruppn my peace and quiet. I couldn't poo-poo."


    Don't ya just LOVE kids?

    Lil'Funny Girl sounds ADORABLE!

    Hope you're having a great weekend, FG!
